Senin, 04 Januari 2010

chat bodoh XD


danezta: hy
kitty.caca: yo
danezta: asl?
kitty.caca: u first
danezta: 26 m jkt
danezta: km?
kitty.caca: 19. f. us
danezta: ada fb kah?
kitty.caca: what ?
dody desebianto: facebook?
dody desebianto: you have a face book
kitty.caca: sure
dody desebianto: I want to know your facebook
dody desebianto:
dody desebianto: i want add
kitty.caca: give me ur facebook. let me add u
dody desebianto:
kitty.caca: just a minute
dody desebianto: where were you born? us/?
kitty.caca: no, i just living here
dody desebianto: oh y?
kitty.caca: what ?
dody desebianto: faces you do not like the American
dody desebianto: you face asia
kitty.caca: its looks clearly right ? im not pure from us..i said that i just living here
dody desebianto sudah sign out. (05/01/2010 13:51)

sumpah..ngakak banget gw baca'a XD pura-pura jadi orang us, jago jg gw, lumayan lah :p
menipu orang dalam negeri sendir...maafkan saya XD
dan gw gak tau tuh orang bener-bener off gr2 apa..kirain gw invis, tapi pas gw cek di , emank off beneran sih orangnya..hahaha

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